Monday, January 31, 2011

One month down

Today is the last day of January, 2011. Did you make any New Years Resolutions? If so, are you sticking to them, or did you give up?

I know for me this year, I created quite a few resolutions. I am doing really good on some of them, but others I am falling a little bit behind. For most people it takes from 60-90 days to create a habit. I am gonna be totally honest and say that I haven't done any of my resolutions for the past 31 days straight, so I am not gonna be hitting my 60 days right away. What I will say is that even though I haven't been perfect, I am not giving up on them yet.

I realized a few weeks ago that having a goal is a wonderful place to START, but it is only 1 piece to the puzzle. We must also have a road map or a plan as to HOW we are going to get there.

First I will tell you what my resolutions are. Putting them out there for everyone to read holds me at least accountable to try my best to hold up to them.

My 2011 New Years Resolutions:
1) Lose 10-15 pounds and tone up (I think weight loss is on about about 97% of the people who makes resolutions lists)
2) Run a 5K by the end of the summer
3) Do 30 minutes of physical activity 6 days a week (this can include running around and playing with my kids, cleaning the house, etc)
4) Read 1 - 2 personal books each month
5) Read my scriptures (for my church) 5 - 6 nights a week
6) Work harder at being a better mother (by learning to have more patience and using a quite voice when I get upset)
7) Work harder at being a better wife (by paying more attention to my husbands needs and wants)
8) Get a B- or better in all classes I take
9) Volunteer/do Charity work/Donate items once a month
10) Do/Say something kind for/to someone each and everyday. Also work and putting other before myself
11) By Christmas have most, if not all, the rooms in the house cleaned out, de-cluttered/organized & re-painted
12) Do/complete 1 craft project every month
13) Practice the piano 2-3 times a week (can be as short as 5 minutes each time)
14) Learn one new thing every month (this can be anything & everything)
15) Get all past financial records put on to our computer banking log (Quicken) & stay up-to-date on all financial record keeping
16) Write in my journal every night that I am able to
17) Start (and maintain) a mommy blog (whoo hoo....I am doing this one right now), a weight loss/becoming healthy blog & a church blog
18)Learn how to sew, crochet (I can say I have learned a basic chain stitch so I am working on this) & knit well.

There is my list. Yes it is pretty hefty, but I have a plan in place to keep on track and get to where I want to be by the end of the year. Check back tomorrow for how I plan to keep on my resolutions journey. And, don't give up on yours quite yet, even if you haven't been sticking to them. We can all get there!


  1. Sometimes I think getting my goals organized is the hardest part! You are definitely off to a great start. :) Good luck... I know you can do it!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment.

  2. These are great goals Crystal. I'm really enjoying your blog too. Keep up the good work.
