Friday, February 18, 2011

More happenings in our household

So this past week I was offered a position as PTA Secretary. I am quite happy and excited about it, and I am more than willing to help out in any way I can. I will say it was a pretty fast offer into the position, considering my oldest is currently a Kindergartner. I haven't even gotten a handle on everything with his school yet. That is ok though. It is a challenge I am more than willing to take on and do.

I get asked all the do you keep so organized. Lists, Lists, Lists and Calendars, Calendars, Calendars!!! I am an avid "To Do" list maker. I even keep a  pad of paper & pen in my nightstand so if I have ideas of things I need to do/want to get done/don't want to remember, I can write them down. No matter what time of night.

Call me old fashioned but I still carry the paper Daytimer. I had a palm pilot (and I still have it) but it is so much easier for me to just write things down. I carry my Daytimer with me 24/7. Whenever something new comes up I always consult it to make sure I don't have conflicting schedules, as well as note new activities that come up as well. Then when I get home I transfer those items to what I think of as our "central scheduling location" .......... our kitchen! On the inside of our pantry door hangs our monthly calendar so I can write down all the future items (birthdays, anniversaries, reoccurring items, etc.). Hanging on the outside of the pantry door is our week-at-a-glance calendar. Every Sunday night I sit down and transfer things from our monthly calendar to our weekly calendar.

Doing this also helps my dear husband to see at a glance what is happening that week, as it saves him the step of looking at the other calendar just so it is easier to see while you are hanging out in the kitchen.

I would love to hear your ways to keep your schedule organized!

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