I can feel it. SPRING is coming, and soon I hope. Our house is ready and waiting for spring & summer to get here. I also cant wait to get some spring cleaning done. Call me crazy but I LOVE to clean! I love spending all day vacuuming, dusting, washing windows (which I'm sorry to say I have NO desire to do in the winter), laundry and everything else. Now I know I could have been cleaning all winter too, but come on....nothing says "spring cleaning" like opening up your windows while you do some deep cleaning and letting the fresh air in. The sun streaming through the open windows!
Today I bought a few plastic containers so I can tackle one very daunting area of my house......my bathroom closet. Stay tuned for some before & after pictures. They will be scary...I promise!
I have told my husband all winter long I want to start in each room of the house. Take EVERYTHING out of it, repaint it, and put everything back in it in an organized fashion. If I had a whole week to myself (without my kids and work and all the other activities that come with it) I would take every single thing out of my house and put it in my garage, then working 1 room at a time repaint it, do any needed repairs (some rooms need new baseboards and such) and then put stuff back in that specific room. Then everything left in the garage that doesn't have a home, or doesn't fit in my neatly (will be once this is done) organized storage areas in matching totes (yes they need to be matching because I get annoyed with mismatched totes in my house...crazy again...I know) will be sold or donated. I can't say I am going to go to that extent with everything, but my goal this summer is to de-clutter, de-clutter and de-clutter some more. Completing this task should help my get rid of (sell and donate) a whole bunch of stuff, as well as give me space to organize and redecorate each space in my house.
Is anyone else itching for some spring cleaning or am I just weird?
Good for you! We are trying to de-clutter and paint right now too, but it's hard with kids. I wish I had your enthusiasm!