Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It Coming........Spring!!!

I know I have said it before, but it feels more real each and every day. The last few days I have started waking up to birds chirping.Then last evening as I was making dinner, the birds were chirping again. I love that sounds. Not when they are the annoying, wont leave you alone chirping, but the excited the day is starting and it feels so good out here chirps.

I have to apologize a little for having such a gap in my posting. We have had a lot of things going on at home lately, and I was questioning if a blog was really something I wanted to take on. After a lot of thought and prayer I decided that it was. I have known for a while I have wanted to blog about everything I have running through my head from home-life to balancing work & home. This blog may help some, it may not. This is more my place to share my ideas and thoughts on life & motherhood/wifehood (is that even a title?) with anyone that is interested.

I have also posted that I LOVE spring cleaning. Everything just feels so new & clean and fresh. Hope on over to Renew Your Space for some amazing tips on spring cleaning. This is a site I visit regularly and they are amazing at offering ideas for keeping you home clean and tidy.

Some things she shared that we all should be doing for spring cleaningare:

  • Find a couple of large boxes & label them: “Donate” and “Repair” – As you’re going through your house, toss things in right on the spot.
  • Empty your closet of winter clothes and store them away for Fall – Anything that doesn’t fit properly or is in disrepair, toss into those boxes.
  • Flip and disinfect your mattresses with Lysol spray to kill all of those winter germs.
  • Launder your pillows every 3 months (read your tags), or if not recommended, spot clean with sudsy warm water & baking soda then air dry.
  • Replace your old shower liners, or give them a good scrubbing with a solution of 10 parts water & 1 part chlorine bleach with a plastic-bristled brush.
  • Consider renting a carpet cleaner to hit those ugly stains on the stairs and entryways - These are very reasonable to rent & you will be amazed by how new your carpet will look when it’s clean.
  • Get your family into the habit of closing the toilet lids when flushing – Did you know when toilets are flushed, moisture and bacteria are released into the air? By closing the lid, you will reduce household mold and mildew from developing in the bathroom.
  • Disinfect your dishwasher by using baking soda or white vinegar – Measure out one cup, and throw into the bottom of your dishwasher. Run a short cycle on hot and notice the difference in the smell.
  • Run white vinegar through your coffee maker or French press – let it sit and steam for a while and the stains should lift right off. For stubborn stains, scrub gently with baking soda & pour a little vinegar over it – this will create an impressive bubbling foam.
  • Clean up grout with a little Spray N’ Wash – It’s not a cure all, but great for a quick fix.
  • Sprinkle baby powder on a mildewy floor overnight – Sweep it up and mop over the next day.
  • Designate a Cleaning Closet – Consolidate all of those bottles and take back your space.
  • Convert from using furniture polish and change over to a feather duster – You will save time, money & the environment.
  • Use socks which have lost their mates to polish furniture or to wash the car.
  • Buy a wax furniture crayon in a few popular colors to fill in any chipped paint or scuffs on wood.
  • Rub out marks from your leather furniture with a pencil eraser.
  • Test your smoke alarms & replace the batteries.
  • Buy new filters for your air conditioner
  • Check the glove compartment of your car to make sure your insurance & registration are up to date.
  • To avoid stress, create a file specifically for next year’s taxes – Label it’2010 Taxes’ and throw any receipts or documents in there throughout the year.
  • Defragment & back up your computers.
  • Remember that summer is coming - Clean & repair your patio furniture / locate all summer sports and swimming equipment.
 I know there are some things on this list that I hadn't even thought about, or knew you could do!

Hope you are all enjoying this time getting ready for spring & then the most wonderful time....summer!!


  1. Thanks for the mention :) Hope your readers enjoy the tips too!! ~ Renee

  2. I love Rene at Renew Your Space. She's amazing!!!
    I'm hoping spring is really on it's way this time. I wake up to birds chirping today too and it just brought a smile to my face, then I started getting annoyed because they wouldn't stop and it was too early to wake up. I still wanted to sleep longer but those dang birds kept on chirping right outside my window lol.
